Top 10k strings from Physics 1 (1983)(Think Tank Educational Software)(Side B).tzx
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4 w$="15000631": 3 s$;" (";p$;")/";t$: 3 STOP THE TAPE! 3 ;"Software" 3 ;"Press:"; 3 ;"Press any key to continue": 3 ;"MA (Cantab.), MA (London)" 3 ;"Educational" 3 ;"CP Lawrence"; 3 "press ENTER to continue "; 3 to repeat this program"; 3 2 w$="02000931": 2 quantity of motion 2 acting on 2 START THE TAPE 2 ;t$;", t": 2 ;"What is gravity?": 2 ;"Gravity is a 2 "s"+n,usr: 2 "r"+n,usr: 2 "m"+n,usr: 2 "l"+n,usr: 2 "g"+n,usr: 2 "f"+n,usr: 2 "b"+n,usr: 2 to load the next program"; 1 w$="17000431": 1 w$="16000130": 1 w$="16000029": 1 w$="15000630": 1 w$="15000531": 1 w$="15000331": 1 w$="15000231": 1 w$="15000130": 1 w$="15000128": 1 w$="14000630": 1 w$="13000731": 1 w$="09000131": 1 w$="07000529": 1 w$="06110511": 1 w$="06000619": 1 w$="05060317": 1 w$="04000229": 1 w$="04000008": 1 w$="03150101": 1 w$="03001825": 1 w$="02001131": 1 w$="02001031": 1 w$="02000930": 1 w$="02000631": 1 w$="02000329": 1 w$="02000231": 1 w$="02000130": 1 w$="02000129": 1 v$="Velocity": 1 v$;"/";t$: 1 unit of mass 1 uniform motion 1 static friction 1 state of rest 1 s$="Distance": 1 rate of change of momentum 1 principia mathematica. 1 p$="Displacement": 1 of natural philosophy. 1 in a straight line 1 g$="against": 1 frictional 1 centripetal force 1 centripetal 1 b3 }< 1 b2 1 b1 1 absolute unit of force 1 a$="Acceleration": 1 Two bodies attract each other with a force proportional to theproduct of their masses, and inversely proportional to the square of their distance apart. 1 The mathematical principles 1 Philosophiae naturalis 1 NEWTON'S THIRD LAW of MOTION 1 NEWTON'S SECOND LAW of MOTION 1 NEWTON'S LAWS of MOTION 1 NEWTON'S FIRST LAW of MOTION 1 GRAVITY, WEIGHT and FRICTION 1 GRAPHS of MOTION 1 DisplacementV 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 AccelerationS 1 A body in a state of uniform"'"motion in a straight line: 1 A body in a state of rest: 1 A body continues in its state ofrest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless acted on by some external force. 1 A body continues in its state ofrest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to do otherwise by some externalforce. 1 ;v$;" will travel equal"'s$;"s in equal intervals of"'t$;" (in a constant direction)." 1 ;v$;" = ";p$;" = 1 ;v$;" ";g$;" ";t$ 1 ;s$;" (";p$;")"; 1 ;s$;" (";p$;") is"'"therefore represented by the"'"area between the ";v$;"/";t$'"curve and the ";t$;" axis." 1 ;g$;" ";t$; 1 ;a$;" is"'"equal to the gradient of a"'"tangent to the curve at 1 ;a$;" = BC 1 ;"zontal movement." 1 ;"with a quick, hori-"; 1 ;"will carry on forever.": 1 ;"when k = 1." 1 ;"together," 1 ;"the table" 1 ;"the rate of change of its"'"momentum" 1 ;"the Spectrum" 1 ;"than F (static),"; 1 ;"sphere." 1 ;"s = (AB + CD) x 1 ;"over the mouth." 1 ;"or stop it"'"moving altogether." 1 ;"or * in uniform motion"; 1 ;"on the card directly"; 1 ;"mouth of a bottle,"; 1 ;"momentum": 1 ;"momentum = mv" 1 ;"ment, s"; 1 ;"less than"; 1 ;"is slightly less"; 1 ;"is called 1 ;"in a straight line;" 1 ;"imagine a triangle"'"whose hypotenuse is small enough"'"to coincide with the curve." 1 ;"gravity" 1 ;"gradient" 1 ;"forever" 1 ;"direction as the force.": 1 ;"axles and their bearings;" 1 ;"applied force;" 1 ;"and then place a coin"; 1 ;"and the floor, and between the"; 1 ;"and push thetrolley hard against an obstruc-tion." 1 ;"and a = 1 m/sec 1 ;"and * takes place in the same"; 1 ;"a constant)." 1 ;"____________ 1 ;"_______"; 1 ;"______"; 1 ;"You will find that both static"'"and kinetic friction will"'"increase roughly in proportion"'"to R." 1 ;"When he reaches the shop he buys"'"the paper. This takes a ";t$'"interval of 1 ;"When a force acts on a body, an equal and opposite force acts onsome other body." 1 ;"When a body is acted on by a"'"force," 1 ;"What sort of force?" 1 ;"What is momentum?": 1 ;"What is a force?": 1 ;"Weight of"; 1 ;"We do not notice that, for"'"example, two billiard balls"'"attract each other, because the force is tiny compared to the"'"earth's gravitational force." 1 ;"We cannot really say what a"'"force is, but only what it can"'"do." 1 ;"Universal Gravitation" 1 ;"Translated from latin, the titlemeans:" 1 ;"To find the ";v$;" at any"'"instant 1 ;"To every action there is an"'"equal and opposite reaction." 1 ;"This will increase the force R"'"which is the reaction of the"'"table to the weight of the block(+ weights), W." 1 ;"This will apply a gradually"'"increasing horizontal force (P) to the block." 1 ;"This is not so obvious!" 1 ;"This force, which is called a"'" 1 ;"This applies whatever the shape"'"of the curve." 1 ;"Therefore...": 1 ;"Therefore the 1 ;"Therefore a unit of mass will"'"weigh more at one of the poles"'"than it will at the equator." 1 ;"There are two reasons for this:": 1 ;"Then it will fall back to where"'"it started, accelerating this"'"time under the effect of"'"gravity." 1 ;"Then he walks home again ( 1 ;"The weight of a body will vary slightly depending on where it is on the earth's surface.": 1 ;"The unit of force is the 1 ;"The unit of force is defined in terms of the acceleration"'"produced when a force acts on a 1 ;"The size of the"'"circle depends on"'"where the body is." 1 ;"The poles are nearer"'"the earth's centre"'"than the equator is." 1 ;"The kilogram will press down on the earth's surface with a forceof 9.8 N." 1 ;"The gravitational"'"force between two"'"bodies varies inversely"'"with the square of the distance"'"between them (ie between their"'"centres)." 1 ;"The force of gravity on a"'"mass of 1 kg is therefore"'"approximately 9.8 N.": 1 ;"The coin should fall into the"'"bottle." 1 ;"Take any point on the graph and"'"drop a perpendicular to the ";t$'"axis." 1 ;"Sooner or later the block will"'"start to slip. The friction"'"between the two surfaces has"'"just reached its maximum." 1 ;"So force can be defined as"'"whatever changes a body's": 1 ;"So a body on the"'"surface of the earth"'"will be moving in a"'"circle." 1 ;"Sir Isaac Newton discovered thatgravity, or gravitational force,exists between all bodies." 1 ;"Since F (kinetic)"; 1 ;"Since ";a$;" is the rate"'"of change of ";v$;" with ";t$;"," 1 ;"Similarly a heavy vehicle needs a greater force to slow it down or stop it than a lighter"'"vehicle travelling at the same speed." 1 ;"Repeat the experiment with"'"weights on top of the block." 1 ;"Remove all these forces, and thetrolley would go on forever." 1 ;"Reaction of"; 1 ;"R is the force which is pressingthe surfaces together, and is"'"equal and opposite to W." 1 ;"Put an object on the trolley to represent a driver," 1 ;"Put a card over the"; 1 ;"One newton will accelerate"'"a mass of one kilogram by"'"one metre per second 1 ;"On the way up it will decelerateat a uniform rate under the"'"effect of gravity." 1 ;"Now think of a ball thrown up inthe air.": 1 ;"Now consider a body moving with"'"uniform ";a$;".": 1 ;"Now consider a body moving at"'"variable ";v$;".": 1 ;"Newton's Law of"; 1 ;"Newton's First Law of Motion:": 1 ;"It will slow down and stop." 1 ;"It was named in honour of the"'"great 17th Century physicist"'"Sir Isaac Newton.": 1 ;"It is of course the acceleratingforce of gravity which acts on the Spectrum's mass, and causes its weight." 1 ;"Imagine the graph is of a man"'"going to buy a paper.": 1 ;"Imagine a car travelling at a"'"uniform ";v$;" v for a ";t$;" t." 1 ;"If the block is pulled along at a steady speed, the balance willshow a lower reading." 1 ;"If m = 1 kg" 1 ;"If F = force of friction,"''"and R = force pressing surfaces"; 1 ;"He is now going in the opposite"'"direction. His ";p$;" and"'"his ";v$;" are both negative."'"(Remember they are Vectors.)" 1 ;"He is (more or less) standing"'"still, so his ";v$;" is zero."'"(The gradient of 1 ;"Gravity pulls us towards"'"the earth." 1 ;"Gravity is the"'"force which keeps"'"us on the earth." 1 ;"Gravity holds the moon in its"'"orbit around the earth, and the earth in its orbit around the"'"sun." 1 ;"Gradually pull on the balance." 1 ;"Force of"; 1 ;"For a split second it will reach"'"a standstill.": 1 ;"Flick the card away"; 1 ;"Finally, consider a body moving"'"with variable ";a$;".": 1 ;"F varies with M1 x M2"; 1 ;"F = kma" 1 ;"F = 1 unit": 1 ;"During ";t$;" 1 ;"Displace-"; 1 ;"But this is the same as finding"'"the gradient of a tangent to the"'"curve at point 1 ;"But this is because there are"'"forces working against it:" 1 ;"But there are instruments"'"sensitive enough to measure thisattraction.": 1 ;"But that is not all...": 1 ;"At first the block will not movesince an equal and opposite"'" 1 ;"At any point 1 ;"As long as the block stays"'" 1 ;"An external force (the obstruc- tion) stops the trolley and the driver, but not simultaneously." 1 ;"A mass of one kilogram"'"falling freely to the"'"ground through a vacuum"'"(to eliminate air"'"resistance) will accel-"'"erate by about 9.8 m/sec 1 ;"A force therefore causes a body to accelerate." 1 ;"A force acting on a static body"'"could make the body move." 1 ;"A force acting on a moving body"'"could make the body change"'" 1 ;"A body moving in a circle is"'"changing direction all the time." 1 ;"A body moving at uniform"; 1 ;"= the gradient of AB.": 1 ;"= mv-mu"; 1 ;"= gradient of 1 ;"= acceleration (a)" 1 ;"= Area of 1 ;"...if the earth is constantly"'"changing direction, a force mustbe acting on it in the directionof the centre of its orbit." 1 ;"* unimpeded;": 1 ;"* is proportional to the"; 1 ;"* in a constant direction;" 1 ;"* friction between the wheels"; 1 ;"* at rest;": 1 ;"* at a uniform velocity;": 1 ;"* air resistance." 1 ;"(";s$;"), s = vt" 1 ;" "; 1 ;" " 1 . So we can draw"'"a bigger triangle." 1 . 1 ,"'"in ";t$;" interval 1 , as it is usually known, was written in 1687." 1 , F will increase as P"'"increases." 1 , ";p$;" s"'"is equal to the area of the"'"trapezium 1 ''"Which brings us back to Newton'ssecond law..." 1 ''"We will now look at graphs in"'"more detail, to see what can be"'"discovered from them." 1 ''"We will look at graphs of:": 1 ''"This tendency for a body to stayeither": 1 ''"This is sometimes summarised as:" 1 ''"Static objects do not suddenly start moving of their own"'"accord." 1 ''"Momentum is also sometimes"'"described as 1 ''"But it is important to remember that the action and the reactionoperate on different bodies." 1 ''"Both static and sliding/kinetic friction act in a direction"'"parallel to the surfaces in"'"contact." 1 ''"An old trick demonstrates this quite neatly..." 1 ''"An object moving": 1 ''"A heavy body has a greater"'" 1 ''"A body's momentum is, quite"'"simply, its mass multiplied by its velocity:" 1 '"then the coefficient of friction"''" 1 '"then our unit should be defined so that" 1 '"We will assume he walks at a"'"uniform ";v$;" from his house"'"to the shop, a ";s$;" of 1 '"We can say that F and P are in"'"equilibrium.": 1 '"This unit is the 1 '"This maximum value is called the 1 '"This is why a seat belt can savea driver's life." 1 '"This is 1 '"They will vary especially if thesliding motion is fast, or the contact pressure is high." 1 '"These coefficients are only"'"approximate constants." 1 '"The remaining gravitational"'"force pulls the body towards theearth, and provides its weight." 1 '"The main function of lubricants (grease, oil, graphite etc) is to reduce the coefficients of"'"friction between surfaces." 1 '"The driver obeys Newton's first law and continues in motion -"'"until opposing forces bring him to a standstill." 1 '"Since the earth's"'"axis passes North"'"to South, there is no"'"circular motion at the poles." 1 '"Right now your Sinclair Spectrumis probably standing on a table or a desktop.": 1 '"Push a trolley along the floor and let it go." 1 '"Part of the earth's"'"gravitational force"'"provides a 1 '"P (and therefore F) can be read from the value on the spring"'"balance." 1 '"One newton will accelerate a"'"mass of 1 kg by 1 m/sec 1 '"Newton's three laws of motion"'"are found in the first part of"'"his book:" 1 '"Its velocity increases (or dec-"'"reases) from u to v." 1 '"Its momentum will change in timet uniformly from mu to mv." 1 '"It is one of the most important scientific works ever written." 1 '"If an equal force is applied to two bodies of different mass forequal lengths of time, the"'"lighter body will build up a"'"higher velocity than the heavierone." 1 '"However the variation in weight between poles and equator (from both causes) is only about 0.5%." 1 '"Friction is a force which"'"opposes the sliding motion of"'"one surface relative to another." 1 '"By Newton's second law, this"'"varies with the force applied:" 1 '"But each will gain the same"'"momentum." 1 '"But (v-u) = change in velocity"; 1 '"Attach a spring balance to a"'"block of wood, and stand the"'"block on a table." 1 '"At the poles the entire gravita-tional force provides the weightof the body." 1 '"Action and reaction forces must not be confused with forces in equilibrium - which act on the same body." 1 '"A trolley loaded with weights"'"will need a larger force to get it going than an empty one." 1 '"A train needs more powerful"'"brakes than a car." 1 '"A simple experiment can show its"'"main features." 1 '"A graph of ";p$;" ";g$'t$;" will be a straight line." 1 '"A force F acts for a time t on abody of mass m." 1 '"(Friction between the card and the coin is too short-lived to displace the coin.)" 1 "t"+n,usr: 1 "n"+n,usr: 1 "k"+n,usr: 1 "i"+n,usr: 1 "a"+n,usr: 1 "We have already used graphs to"'"illustrate moving bodies.": 1 "'"which keeps the body moving in acircle - just like the earth"'"around the sun." 1 "'"under the effect of"'"gravity." 1 " (because k = 1)" 1 of one"'"kilogram is 9.8 N.": 1 is the ";p$;" (";s$'"moved) in ";t$;" interval 1 in ";t$;" 1 force, is of course supplied by the gravitational"'"pull of the sun." 1 force F will act at"'"the undersurface of the block." 1 can"'"now be defined:" 1 The earth rotates." 1 The earth rotates about its"'" axis." 1 The earth is not a perfect"; 1 The earth is not a perfect"'" sphere." 1 One newton (1N) is the force needed to accelerate a mass of one kilogram by one metre per second 1 F = ma";: 1 F = kma (where k is"; 1 = gradient of 1 (static)." 1 (kinetic) is"; 1 than a lighter body moving at"'"the same velocity."